Prithu Homes provides a free service for plot owners who bring other builders’ quotations to us. We do free quote comparisons for plot owners to help them analyze which builder they should go forth with for the construction of their plots. Down below is one such case study, where we have done a real-time comparison of quotes for one of the clients.
Structure: Stilt + 4 floors Timeline: Quotes shared by us and the other builder in September 2022 City: Delhi
Prithu’s quotation
Prithu's quotation for the plot in focus amounts to Rs. 2.61 Cr. including GST. Prithu’s quotation provides a detailed breakup of all the expenditures incurred during the home-building journey.
The quotation by another builder
Now, let’s glance at the quotation of another builder the client brought us. So, their total payment for the construction of the house including GST will be Rs. 3.26 Cr.
Once we have the other builder’s quotation and our quotation, we then compare both quotations based on financial and non-financial aspects.
Financial Comparison Analysis
We have done a financial comparison analysis between the other builder’s quotation and the quotation offered by Prithu. Some of the specs mentioned in Prithu’s quote aren’t mentioned in the other builder’s quote and vice-versa. Thus, in our financial analysis, we have made the specs uniform in both quotes for an equitable comparison. So, after the financial comparison, it turns out that Prithu’s overall final price is 2% lesser than the other builder.
However, home building is a much more critical journey. Thus, comparing the mere financial factors may not produce a justified comparison. It is significant to look at the other non-financial parameter that is equally if not more important than the financial parameters.
Following are the parameters for a wholesome justified comparison
● In the other builder’s quotation, we aren’t clear if the steel quantity is based on the covered area or includes the half-covered area. Additionally, the steel design that Prithu provides is approved by the structured engineer. And we also provide the structure design certificate. However, that’s not the case with the other builder.
● In the other builder’s quote, the refund value is on manufacturing cost and not on prices mentioned. Thus, there is a mismatch in wardrobes, kitchen values, etc. So, the price the builder sells you the wardrobes and kitchen equipment is more than the price you get in case you seek a refund.
● In their quote, there is a mismatch in LCD panels' costing and pricing. Thus, you’ll get a lesser refund value like in the case of wardrobes and kitchen appliances.
● Unlike Prithu, they have not mentioned the windows’ area in their quote.
● The other builder doesn’t provide provisioning for internet, electric car charging, etc.
Thus, merely looking at the financial numbers you may think that the other builder is just 2% more expensive. However, when you streamline all the specifications by both builders, you will realize that Prithu Homes provides the most competitive price along with a hassle-free home construction journey in Delhi and the NCR region.