Building a home for themselves is one of the most complex and important tasks that a person undertakes in his lifetime. In fact, all throughout the world, especially in India, a person is not considered to be successful till the time he has a home of his own. Some people like to take the seemingly easy route towards this aim, by buying a flat. This route can be termed as easy but at the same time provides limited possibilities with respect to the amount of customizability and personality infusion that can be done. People who are more adventurous by nature and like to see things exactly how they want it, choose the path of building their own home. Building your own home gives you a lot of freedom, having to start practically from scratch, you can do as much research as you want, get customized floor plan made to suit your requirements, get you own façade designed to show your personality, get the interiors done to show your style and taste in things, and then you can drill deep down into the details of all of these aspects till the time you don’t see a home about which you have always dreamed of.
The whole journey of building a home is usually a very emotionally charged time for any family. The rush of emotions can be felt on both the positive and negative side of the spectrum. Whether the emotions will be dominantly positive or negative is more or less dependent on the performance of the builder.
Let’s dive deep down and understand how the emotions change with each phase of the home building process:
1. Finding a Home Builder:
This phase is marked by a lot of anxiety regarding how to choose the correct home building partner to build your home with. In the current times when people are getting more aware through internet, newspapers and other sources regarding prevalent wrong-doings in the industry choosing a right builder can be tough on your emotions. People slowly develop trust issues and start treating the builders with scepticism and rightly so. Try to find a builder who can complete your home on time, who is transparent, who keeps quality of work above everything else, gives you the best value for your money and to sum it all provides you a complete hassle free experience, so that your anxiety doesn’t continue with you throughout your home building journey.
2. Signing of Contract:
After you’ve chosen your builder, comes the time to sign the contract and this is the time when the emotion of apprehension runs high. You start to revisit all the steps you have taken till now, do a double check on them to see if you’ve missed out on any point. To calm your fidgetiness, you might call your close relatives and discuss your decisions with them. To try and get a second opinion you would want to visit another one of the top builders in Delhi NCR builders at the last moment just to be sure. All these things are very understandable because it’s a very hard decision to trust someone else with your hard earned money, when you can’t even confidently visualize how the end result is going to be. As a solution to this you should choose your builder who discusses with you in minute details of how your future home is going to look like. Choose a builder who spends time with you to understand your needs, taste and lifestyle and then recommends the best of the options to you. Choose a builder who goes in lengths to visually show you all of those recommendations so that you are ever so sure regarding the future look of your home.
3. Construction of home:
This is perhaps the most intensive phase of the home building timeline both for the builder and for the family. Even if you are working with one of the top builders in delhi ncr, while the builder will be busy in making sure that every process is adhering to a timeline, proper communication is being maintained between different vendors, material is arriving on time, etc. (considering your builder is good), you will have your own set of anxieties during this time like whether the builder is doing a good job or not, whether he is using the correct brand of material which was promised, whether the structure will be strong or not and to sum it all whether or not your new home will even closely resemble the home from your dreams.
4. Interiors & Finishing:
This is the phase when your under construction house starts its transition into your dream home. Also, this is the phase when people are the most uneasy and can’t stop themselves in getting involved with each and every step of the process. This phase is generally marked by excitement and anticipation regarding how life would be in the new home. People start to imagine where all the stuff will fit in and start dreaming about their future in the home. But if the builder is not doing the work as per the expectations then the feelings suddenly take a turn downwards. People start monitoring the process very closely, stress creeps in the family and people start to struggle managing their work life and at the same time monitoring the home closely. At this phase of the home building process it's almost impossible to do anything about it, so you should always try and settle for a builder who provides you with the flexibility of an easy exit from the whole process at any time so that you can choose to stop if you don’t feel comfortable in continuing further with your builder.
5. Handover of keys:
This is the time when the sense of accomplishment kicks in. After all of the efforts you would have put in, after all site visits for monitoring the work, after all those sleepless nights of anticipation of whether your hard earned money is being used properly or not, comes the time when you can bear the fruits of all the hard work and stress. This is the time for grihapravesh and to show off your new house to the world, to meet the new neighbours and other rounds of festivities. But still you don’t generally get to see such feelings during the process of handover of the keys, the people are usually marginally satisfied, tired with a sigh of relief because hardly any builder delivers the completed home on time. It’s always better to choose a builder who promises on a fixed date of delivery of your new home and is willing to sign an agreement for the same so that you are on the safer side.
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